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Helping Businesses Start, Grow and Succeed
The Small Business Development Center at the Daytona State College helps businesses become more successful and meet the challenges of tomorrow. Whether you are starting a business, buying a business, growing a business, selling a business or looking for financing, we can help you!
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300% to 400% Growth through free Government Assistance

Grow your business using government resources

How would it affect your company and your family if you could increase your company's growth by 300% over the next two years? What if this included a 400% bottom line increase? Would you invest in this opportunity if someone else was willing to fund 90% of the cost?

Currently Federal, State and County resources are available that can make this a reality, but available resources are finite and time restricted. This is on a first come, first serve basis, so companies ready to grow should not wait to apply for these resources! I'm going to give you the inside scoop and our office is available to help you receive the services that fit your growth plan- our website is or you can go directly to the specific program:

1.     GrowFL- Volusia County just funded this resource for local businesses. Designed to provide expensive cutting edge marketing/growth planning resources and strategies for a nominal fee. This program targets companies with proven track record that are positioned to grow. This program has a proven track record providing dynamic company growth-

2.     Growth Acceleration Services- Funded through a Federal SBA grant for stage two Florida companies positioned to grow. Growth Acceleration Consultants provide financial, capital, and diversification strategies tailored for individual company goals at no cost. Another proven program taking companies to the next level- Apply

3.     PTAC (Procurement Technical Assistance Center) - Funded by Federal, State, County and UCF this resource provides assistance getting government contracts. Billions are spent each year by government organizations on services provided by many local companies. An experienced consultant assist local companies through the process of finding and winning these contracts at no cost- Apply

4.     Exporting- Funded by Federal, State and County the exporting services program has been very successful helping Florida companies develop an export plan, connect with international customers and establish the logistics to build strong international sales at minimal cost. Must be a growth positioned business- Apply

This is an excellent time to fast track the revenue and profit growth for local businesses and the SBDC at Daytona State College is here to provide the assistance companies need including access to capital, strategic planning and industrial research.